

decimal notation

  1. A representation of a fraction or other real number using the base ten and consisting of any of the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and a decimal point. Each digit to the left of the decimal point indicates a multiple of a positive power of ten, while each digit to the right indicates a multiple of a negative power of ten. For example, the number 26 37 100 can be written in decimal notation as 26.37, where 2 represents 2 × 10, 6 represents 6 × 1, 3 represents 3 × 1 10 or 3 10 , and 7 represents 7 × 1 100 or 7 100 .

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Example Sentences

It is well illustrated, too, in Professor De Morgan's mode of explaining the decimal notation.

It has the advantage of the decimal notation, with the embarrassment of the negative sign.

From these, as is well known, our decimal notation is derived.

Just what does "the understanding of decimal notation" mean?

The discrimination made possible by this decimal notation is much finer than our present visual limit.



